On When a Disjunction is Informative: Ambiguous Connectives and Pluralism

Presented at (Anti-)Realisms, Logic and Metaphysics (Nancy, France)

Published in The Realism-Antirealism Debate in the Age of Alternative Logics (Logic, Epistemology and the Unity of Science) edited by Shahid Rahman, Mathieu Marion and Giuseppe Primiero, 2011: 1-23.

Abstract. Present paper’s aim is to put the notion of ambiguous connectives, as explored in Paoli (2003, 2005), in an informational perspective. That is, starting from the notions of informational content and logical pluralism, we ask what it means for a disjunction, i.e. a message of the form “f or y”, to be informative. The bottom line of this paper is that being a pluralist about informational content can even be defended against those who hold a realist conception of semantic information.

doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-1923-1_1