Talk given at the LogiCIC Workshop 2016, Amsterdam
at Group Knowledge and Mathematical Collaboration 2017, Oxford, and
at Ampliative Reasoning in the Sciences 2017, Ghent.
Abstract The problem that motivates this paper is the following: Given a data-set with records of interactions from collaborative science online, which background-theory should be adopted to study these digital traces if one’s goal is to explain whether and how the collaboration was epistemically successful. I will approach this question on the basis of a specific case-study, namely the Polymath-projects initiated in 2009 by Cambridge mathematician and Field Medalist Timothy Gowers (see e.g. Allo et al. 2013). These are collaborative projects dedicated to specific research-level mathematical questions (finding a proof for a certain result). The centre of activity of these collaborations are interactions in discussion-threads on various weblogs, and the discussions in question are in principle open to anyone.
Extended abstract (LogiCIC-version)
Presentation (Oxford-version)
Presentation (Ghent-version)